
KIPPS Copyright 6x4x5 D0432 9329-
Welcome to our new club website. Thank you for your patience whilst we’ve been busy designing and building it.

15 November, 2024

Welcome to our new club website. Thank you for your patience whilst we’ve been busy designing and building it. We hope it will be worth the wait & will service the club, it’s members & the wider Golden community for many years to come.

A big thank you to Lynn Kipps, Sheenagh Gebhard and Marion Hanman for their contributions and to everyone else who has helped along the way.

You will now be able to pay via the site for:

  • Membership
  • Field Trials
  • Working Tests & working events
  • Seminars & event days

We also have the facility for members to add litters to our puppy list via the site and these will be available to view on the website. We hope our members support this new facility and use it both to advertise litters and to find well bred puppies.

In addition we have all the usual content including show details and critiques, rescue/rehoming and finding a puppy.

We hope you like it!